Right now we only have two options…
Mortgage VS Rent

When seeking a place to call home, you are traditionally faced with two ends of the financing spectrum: 15-30 year mortgages or 1-year rental leases.

Mortgages are a good choice, but only if you know you're staying put for 7+ years and can save a large sum (usually 20% of the home value) towards a downpayment.

Renting is okay if you seek a transitory life, but you have to have the cashflow to support it and you do not gain any of the long term benefits of home ownership.

Why are these our only options?

Both options have monumental failings.

With a mortgage, there is minimal leniency and huge transaction costs, causing barriers to mobility. If you fall on hardship, a late payment could mean a complete loss of the biggest financial asset of your life.

Renting is inherently feudal. You are expected to contribute around 1/3 of your income towards growing the wealth of your landlord, who is entitled to all the benefits one’s presence brings to a community.

Stewardship = Ownership + Freedom to Move

Enter Conara, option three, Stewardship

At Conara, we have a more balanced offering: Stewardship. As a Steward, you invest and live in your Conara property or leverage our networked assets to purchase the home of your dreams.

Either way, you keep the freedom to move between homes in the network. No realtor fees, no title fees, and you simplify the process of growing wealth. Stay in one home as long as you want or move every year. This helps you expand your community, suiting a more nomadic and exploratory lifestyle. For people who can’t afford to or simply don’t want to pour their entire life savings into a piece of land, welcome to an entirely new option.

You vest equity like a mortgage but you have the freedom to move within a network.

Your equity moves with you.

Your monthly payment acts as “rent” but is an investment. Much of this payment goges to purchasing ownership potential in Conara properties. You gain the benefit of home ownership and appreciation without the down payment. You reap what you sow by investing in yourself and your community.

Stewards benefit by having liberty, self-reliance, and a good property management team. They then unlock access to the freedom to move, acquire equity ownership everywhere they live, and are unchained by the burden of debt and down payments. Like a retirement fund, stewards build towards savings they can rely on in the later part of their life.

Do you enjoy bringing people together? Helping friends find their passions?

Do you enjoy organizing new home dynamics? Are you seeking to offset your costs with some empowering work? We have opportunities within Conara to do just that. Help us grow this movement, and take ownership over the course of your life by joining the team at Conara.